@ARTICLE{Korcz_Alicja_The_2001, author={Korcz, Alicja}, number={No 2}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={153-163}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={Piesma quadratum is the only vector of beet leaf curl - virosis affecting sugar beet. The sugar content of beets infected by beet leaf curl is reduced by an average of 9% and the root weight is decreased by an average of 58.4%. P quadratum appeared in Poland in the beginning of this century after migration from the territory of Germany. This bug has one generation a year. Its occurrence is characterised by 2-3-years-long gradations in periods of every 9-11 years. Chemical control of beet leaf bug caused disturbance of this rhythm. Recent gradations of the pest occurred every 17 years.}, type={Article}, title={The forecasting possibilities of the appearance of the pest creating gradiations on the example of beet leaf bug (Piesma quadratum Fieb. Heteroptera: Piesmatidae)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131144/PDF-MASTER/10_PLANT_41_2_2001_Korcz_The_Forecasting.pdf}, keywords={Piesma quadratum, harmfulness, beet leaf curl, BLCV, gradations}, }