@ARTICLE{Adamczewski_Kazimierz_Elymus_2001, author={Adamczewski, Kazimierz and Kierzek, Roman and Szwed, Krystyna}, number={No 3}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={295-301}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={Field experiments were conducted to determine quizalofop-Puefuryl (Pantera 040 EC) efficacy for control of couchgrass (E repensi at crop rotation peas-spring cereals. The results showed that herbicides applied at 4-8 leaf stage of E repens enhanced weed control effect. Subsequent treatments i.e. at I 0-12 leaf stage of E repens were less effective. In the following years, the yield of spring cereals depended on efficacy ofE repens control in forecrop i.e. pea. Spring cereals (wheat and barley) gave better yield when higher level ofE repens control was observed.}, type={Article}, title={Elymus repens control by graminicide quizalofop-P-tefuryl (Pantera 040 EC) at crop rotation peas-spring cereals}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131185/PDF-MASTER/14_PLANT_41_3_2001_Adamczewski_Elymus.pdf}, keywords={quizalofop-Pvtefuryl, weed control, grass weeds, peas, couchgrass (E repens), crop rotation}, }