@ARTICLE{Przybylski_Zdzisław_Potato_2001, author={Przybylski, Zdzisław}, number={No 4}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={337-340}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={Soil, the main element of natural environment is constantly contaminated and degraded by various man's activities. Big industrial factories, which emit to the atmosphere excessive quantities of harmful solid, liquid and gaseous substances, are the main cause of this phenomenon. Lm proper usage of fertilisers and chemical plant protection agents effects the soil in a lesser degree, but it is still unfavourable. The aim of this research was to use potato beetle larva in stage L4 as a soil bioindicator fi-om the plantations of spring wheat, potatoes, and corn which were treated with herbicides. The obtained results did not show any negative effect of herbicides used on potato beetle larva growing in the soil.}, type={Article}, title={Potato beetle (Leptinotarsa deceml ineat a Say) as a bioindicator of soil contaminated by herbicides}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131197/PDF-MASTER/6_PLANT_41_4_2001_Przybylski_Potato.pdf}, keywords={potato beetle larva, herbicides, soil}, }