@ARTICLE{Miklaszewska_Krystyna_Weed_2001, author={Miklaszewska, Krystyna and Adamczewski, Kazimierz}, number={No 4}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={341-347}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={The aim of the field experiments was to evaluate the effect of herbicide Proponit 720 EC used commercially (which content in I I - 720 g of propisochlor) for grass- and dicotyledonous weed control in winter wheat, winter barley, sugar beet, pea, potato and maize. The field trials were conducted over period 1995-1998 in experimental stations, which belong to the institute of Plant Protection. Proponit 720 EC effectively controls Apera spica-venti and Echinochloa crus-gal/i. In winter cereals dicotyledonous weed control was satisfactory but at other tested crops better weed control was obtained while Proponit 720 EC application with other herbicide. The yield of crops was increased after Proponit 720 application. Proponit 720 EC was not enough safe for sugar beet but was selective for other tested crops.}, type={Article}, title={Weed control efficacv of propisochlor in wheat, barley, maize, root crops and pea}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131198/PDF-MASTER/7_PLANT_41_4_2001_Miklaszewski_Weed.pdf}, keywords={propisochlor, pea, wheat, barley, weed control, maize, root crops}, }