@ARTICLE{Łabanowski_Gabriel_S._Eriophyoid_2000, author={Łabanowski, Gabriel S. and Sojka, Grażyna}, number={No 2}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={85-93}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={The paper presents the descriptions as well as drawings of three species of eriophyid mites found on coniferous plants as new in Poland: Trisetacus juniperinus (Nalepa) from Juniperus procumbens, Eriophyes junipereti Keifer from Juniperus communis L. 'Hibemica' and Cecidophyopsis psilaspis (Nalepa) from Taxus baccata L. Additionally, eriophyoid mites collected from Thuja occidentalis and Tsuga canadensis are discussed in this paper.}, type={Article}, title={Eriophyoid mites (Acari; Eriophyoidea) living on ornamental coniferous plants in Poland}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131226/PDF-MASTER/3_PLANT_40_2_2000_Labanowski_Eriophyoid.pdf}, keywords={coniferous trees, Nalepella tsugae, Cecidophyopsis psilaspis, Eriophyes junipereti, Trisetacus cupressi, Trisetacus juniperinus}, }