@ARTICLE{Wrzesińska_Danuta_Ground_2000, author={Wrzesińska, Danuta and Wawrzyniak, Maria and Dębek-Jaknkowska, Amelia}, number={No 2}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={102-105}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={In 1997 and 1998, insects settling cultures of goats rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) at Mochelek were caught. Amongst ground beetles the dominating species were: Pterostichus melanarius lll., Carabus auratus L., Harpalus rufipes De Geer, Harpalus aeneus F., and Bembidion lampros Hbst. and Harp alus frolichi Sturm. were subdominants.}, type={Article}, title={Ground beetles (Carabidae, Coleoptera) appearing in goats rue (Galega orientalis Lam.) cultivation}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131230/PDF-MASTER/5_PLANT_40_2_2000_Wrzesinska_Ground.pdf}, keywords={Coleoptera, Galega orientalis Lam, Carabidae}, }