@ARTICLE{Lisowicz_Franciszek_The_2000, author={Lisowicz, Franciszek}, number={No 2}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={140-143}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={The paper presents results of studies on the occurrence and economic importance of maize diseases: common smut tUstilago teae /Beckm./Unger) root et stalk rot iFusarium spp.) and eye spot of leaves (Kabatiella zeae Narita et Hiratsuka) (conducted in 1993-1999) as well as com rust tPuccinia sorghi Schw.) and blotch of leaf sheaths (Pseudomonas andropogoni E. F. Smith/Stapp., P syringae van Hall.) (conducted in 1996-1999).}, type={Article}, title={The occurrence and economic importance of maize diseases in Mikulice (south-eastern Poland) in 1993-1999}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131233/PDF/9_PLANT_40_2_2000_Lisowicz_The_Occurrence.pdf}, keywords={maize diseases, economic importance, south-eastern Poland, occurrence}, }