@ARTICLE{Giebel_Jerzy_Polyamines_2000, author={Giebel, Jerzy and Stachecki, Stanisław and Praczyk, Tadeusz}, number={No 3}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={267-270}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={The level of free (PAs) and conjugated (CPAs) soluble polyamines in leaves ofChenopodium album was determined using the fluorometric method for dansy lated derivatives. The tests made at the 4-6 leaf growth stage showed that the concentration of PAs in susceptible (S) and resistant (R) biotypes ranged between 32-43 μg and 45-56 μg per 100 μl of cell sap, respectively. The analyses performed later, namely at the beginning of flowering showed that the difference in the level of polyamines between Sand R biotypes was greater. In this case the amount of PAs in biotype S ranged between 15-34 μg and in biotype R between 51-73 μg per 100 μl of cell sap. Therefore, the level of PAs cans act as an indicator for susceptibility or resistance of C. album biotypes to atrazine.}, type={Article}, title={Polyamines as a potential chemotaxons of resistant and susceptibile biotypes of Chenopodium album to atrazine}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131399/PDF-MASTER/15_PLANT_40_3_4_2000_Giebel_POLYAMINES.pdf}, keywords={Chenopodium album, polyamines, atrazine-resistance}, }