@ARTICLE{Cetnarowska_Bożena_Departicipial_2007, author={Cetnarowska, Bożena}, number={vol. 28}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={63-79}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={The present paper investigates the lexical process of conversion of verbal participles into adjectives in Polish and English. While Bresnan ( I 995) treats all premodifying -i11g and -ed elements in English as participles converted into adjectives (e.g. sen! in the recently sen! book), it is argued here (in agreement with Laczkó 200 I) that some prenominal -ing and -ed forms in English should be regarded as verbal participles. I show that a similar situation obtains in Polish, where pronominal participle-looking elements are either verbal participles or departicipial adjectives derived through conversion (e.g. dokładnie zmielone mięso '(lit.) carefully minced meat' vs. mielone mięso 'minced meat'). Difficulties are highlighted in delineating borders between verbal participles, departicipial adjectives, and other deverbal adjectives. Formal properties of the process of participle-to-adjective conversion are briefly compared to the characteristics of other conversion processes.}, type={Article}, title={Departicipial adjectives in Polish and English}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131430/PDF-MASTER/6_LINGUISTICA_28_Cetnarowska_DEPARTICIPIAL.pdf}, }