@ARTICLE{Fraś_Edward_Structure_2003, author={Fraś, Edward and Janas, Andrzej and Kurtyka, Paweł and Wierzbiński, Stanisław}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, pages={383-408}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Using SHSB technique, composites "in situ" based on intermetallic phase Ni3Al reinforced with particles of titanium carbides or borides were fabricated. The reinforcing phase was generated by spontaneous exothermic reaction proceeding in metal bath in a metaVnon-metal powdered briquette. Thus fabricated composites were free from porosity, possessed high thermodynamic stability and were characterised by absence of chemical reactions at the matrix-reinforcing particle phase boundary, which effectively prevented structure degradation under high-temperature service conditions. The nucleation of the reinforcing phase in molten metal matrix produced clean interfacial surface, free from the presence of oxides and adsorbed gas, and better wettability and coherence between the matrix and reinforcing particles. Owing to the possibility of controlling the parameters of the reaction kinetics during composite synthesis it was possible to generate particles of a required diameter, volume content and distribution and to obtain, consequently, the required level of the mechanical and tribological properties. An important advantage of this method is the possibility of finally shaping by means of casting process the elements and parts of machines. In accordance with ANSI H35. I we use such nomenclature of composite for example Ni3AVfi05p - matrix Ni3AI, type of reinforcement TiC, vol fraction 5%, p - particles.}, type={article}, title={Structure and Properties of Cast Ni3Al/TiB2 and Ni3Al/TiB2 Composites. Part I SHSB Method Applied in Fabrication of Composites Based on Intermetallic Phase Ni3AI Reinforced with Particles of TiC and TiB2}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131740/PDF-MASTER/4_METALLURGY_48_4_Fras_STRUCTURE.pdf}, }