@ARTICLE{Gąsior_Władysław_Density_2003, author={Gąsior, Władysław and Moser, Zbigniew and Pstruś, Janusz}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, pages={497-505}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Using the dilatometric method the densities of the solid Al-Li-Mg alloys were measured for two constant values oft=0.85 and 0.95, where t =X Al/ (X A 1 +X Mg) and for Li concentrations changing from O to 0.25 mole fraction. The experiments were carried out in the temperature ranges: 293-818 Kand 293-718 K fort= 0.05 and O. 15, respectively. The temperature dependences of density were described by the parabolic equation of the form y =a+ bT + cT 2. The parameters a, b, and c were calculated using the least squares method. It was found that the density isotherms fort= 0.95 show slight negative deviation from the linear behaviour, while fort= 0.85 an almost linear change is observed when plotting the density from Al-Mg alloys to pure Li density. The molar volume isotherms of Al-Li-Mg solid alloys calculated at the same temperatures as for the density are characterised by slow decreasing with the increase of Li content, except that calculated at 700 K for t = 0.85 showing an opposite trend.}, type={Article}, title={Density and Molar Volume of Al-Rich Al-Li-Mg Solid Alloys}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131747/PDF/11_METALLURGY_48_4_Gasior_DENSITY.pdf}, }