@ARTICLE{Sukiennik_Maksymilian_Kinetics_2002, author={Sukiennik, Maksymilian and Malinowski, Czesław and Małecki, Stanisław}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, pages={81-93}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Strontium belongs to chemically very active metals. It occurs usually in nature as the sulphate, mostly in celestite form. Strontium sulphate can be processed to strontium or strontium salts of practical importance by different methods. One of them consists in converting strontium sulphate SrSO4 to strontium sulphide SrS that can in form be used for synthesizing of strontium carbonate or nitrate. However, a direct transformation of SrSO, into SrC03 during strontium sulphate reduction by (CO+ CO2) mixture is also suggested in literature. The work is aimed to confirm the possibility of this direct transformation. The experiments were carried out within temperature range 1073-1373 Kand for varying CO/CO2 ratio. The obtained results allow to determine the temperature range and the gas compositions in which SrSO4 is reduced to SrS. However, no direct transformation of strontium sulphate to strontium carbonate was observed under experimental conditions.}, type={Article}, title={Kinetics of SrSO, Reduction by Means of (CO+CO,) Gas Mixtures}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131773/PDF/8_METALLURGY_47_1_2002_Sukiennik_KINETICS.pdf}, }