@ARTICLE{Kostov_Konstantin_Vasilev_Energy_2024, author={Kostov, Konstantin Vasilev}, volume={vol. 27}, number={No 2}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={129-140}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i EnergiÄ… PAN}, abstract={Cogeneration is one of the leading technologies. Over time, it has been activated by almost all developed and actively developing countries in the world. However, achieving high energy efficiency when investing in such production is not an absolute rule but a matter of a thorough technical and economic assessment of the existing conditions. The management teams of textile enterprises usually focus on improving the economic and operational results, but despite the benefits of cogeneration, they do not want to take risks in its implementation because it is related to large strategic investments in the sector. Conducting research to identify and analyze the specific operating conditions of the textile enterprise in question will allow for the analysis of the possibility of introducing cogeneration. Looking at the structure of the energy consumption of the two types of energy (heat and electricity), the dynamics of prices and the geographical location are a prerequisites for studying the possibilities of introducing joint production of heat and electricity at a large textile enterprise. In the publication, an analysis of primary energy consumption was performed, a heat balance of the considered enterprise was drawn up, and objective economic and technical parameters based on the characteristics of the technology were derived. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, conclusions have been drawn regarding the possibilities of implementing joint extraction of heat and electricity in textile enterprises. The scientific novelty has been demonstrated by applying a new approach for a complete solution, aiming to achieve cleaner production and increase the energy efficiency of the considered textile enterprise.}, type={Article}, title={Energy balance and analysis of the possibilities of implementing cogeneration in a textile plant}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/131778/07-PE-27-2-09%20-%20KOSTOV.pdf}, keywords={cogeneration, textile plant, energy balance, structure of energy consumption}, }