@ARTICLE{Bromowicz_Jan_Application_2001, author={Bromowicz, Jan}, number={No 1}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, pages={5-73}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The following stones were evaluated in the present study: the Dębnik Limestone (Devonian), the Libiąż (Diplopora) Dolomite (Triassic), limestone from Nielepice, Kamień, Wielkanoc, Ulina and Mirów (Jurassic), the Pińczów Limestone (Tertiary) and the Istebna Sandstone from Sobolów, Sośliny, Muchówka, Zonia and Czasław (Fig. I). In cach case three features were evaluated: decorativness of the stone, block divisibility and physical and mechanical properties of the rock, taken from the geological reports. Three varieties of the Dębnik black limestone were distinguished basing on its decorative properties. Orientation and high density ofjoint determine relatieve low volume of the blocks exploitable from the deposits. Roughly 30% of the volume of the deposits can be extracted as small and very small blocks (up to I m3). Good physical and mechanical properties determine relative high durability of the stone. Decorativness of the Libiąż Dolomite is due to its yellowish colour, sparkling shine caused by isolated calcite crystals, and cavernous and laminated texture. Mechanical properties are generally good and uniform over a volume of the deposit. Ca. 8% of the rock volume can be extracted as small blocks. Jurassic limestone reveal great structural diversity in the querries examined. The masive (rocky) limestone with conglomcratic structure dominates in Nielepice, Kamień and Ulina. Its physical and mechanical properties are highly variable. Its efcctive porosity is normally high and contributes to low frost resistivity of the stone. Remarkable good properties reveals Jurassic limestone from the Wielkanoc quarry. Its stucture is pelitic with admixture of organic remnants. Cavernous texture gives the stone decorative surface. Unfortunately, there are almost no possibility for extraction of blocks from the deposits of the Jurassic limestone. Small quantities of small blocks can be expected only from the deposit in Mirów. The deposit ofthe Pińczów Limestone yields various blocks, from very small to very large. Its texture changes from fine through medium to coarse grained. The properties ofthe stone are by far uniform and favourite, disregarding texture variations. However, frost resistivity is generelly not satisfying for most external applications. The masonry needs pre-treatment, to increase water repellency. The Istebna Sandstone of the Sobolów deposit reveals the best mechanical properties of all known deposits. Particularly, its compression strength in dry, wet as well as in frozen state, and abrasive tests are by far satisfactory. The latter property is particularly remarkable, as the Istebna sandstone, typically, is not resistant to abrasion and cannot be applied in paving works. Moreover, in every of investigated quarries blocks of various sizes constitute ca. 40% of the deposit volume. The deposit in Sobolów reveals the most favourite block divisibility. It may yield the largest blocks of all known deposits.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Application of the building stones of the Cracow area for the masonry reconstructions - evaluation of perspectives}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/132716/PDF/3_GSM_17_1_2001_BROMOWICZ_Ocena.pdf}, keywords={Cracow, building stones, decorativness, physical and mechanical properties}, }