@ARTICLE{Adamczyk_Andrzej_Target_2000, author={Adamczyk, Andrzej and Haładus, Andrzej and Szczepański, Andrzej and Zdechlik, Robert}, number={No 2}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, pages={103-124}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The presented work characterizes the results of research carried out in the course of a multivariant conceptual project for a target dewatering mine system forming the so-called subsystem Sosnowiec and thus guaranteeing the safety of neighbouring mines. This work was realized in the course of the second phase of drilling works related to the earlier competed target project, carried out by the University ofMining and Metallurgy in Cracow. The project presents the method of target dewatering of the mines Saturn, Siemianowice with ZG Rozalia, Jowisz with ZG Wojkowice, Grodziec, Paryż, Sosnowiec, Porąbka-Klimontów and Kazimierz-Juliusz. To describe the variables of the target dewatering system it was necessary to consider a range ofhydrogeological and mining factors. The long-term inflows over the course of the years into each of the mines as well as their dewatering systems were reanalyzed. This was followed by an analysis of the direct and indirect hydraulic connections between the mines. The above factors to a large degree determine the proposed variant system of dewatering. The presented project in a certain sense represents the continuation and development of the multivariant "Target conceptual project model for the dewatering of KWK Saturn and neighbouring mines forming the subsystem Saturn". A conceptual target dewatering system of the mine Sosnowiec is proposed under transformation conditions to the dewatering systems at the mines Saturn and Paryż as well as to the liquidation ofworks at the mine Porąbka-Klimontów. A mathematical model realized during objectives design was used to calculate prognostic flows thus introducing numerous changes arising from new technical-organizational conditions. In order to enable the most advantageous choice of variant a range of preliminary simulation calculations were introduced. The results of three variants were particularly characterized and after precise analysis were recognized as being most advantageous. Preliminary calculations of the flooding times were also calculated. The most advantageous solution concerning the target pumping ofwater in mines forming the so-called subsystem Sosnowiec is variant I. In relation to the presently established state, the liquidation ofthe stationary dewatering pump at the mines Paryż, Sosnowiec and Porąbka-Klimontów was assumed and the replacement by dewatering with the use of submerged borehole pumps built into the shafts Cieszkowski, Szczepan and Ryszard of the above mentioned mines. Apart from this the maintenance in unchanged form of the primary dewatering arrangements of the mine Kazimierz- Juliusz is assumed. The primary advantage of the proposed dewatering system is the possibility of controlling the formation/build up of the groundwater table during the realization of successive liquidation decisions and changes in exploitation conditions at active mines. At the same time the amount of water originating from both regional dewatering of mines and water directed into surface drainage will be lessened. The costs ofdewatering liquidated mines will be significantly reduced. As a result of applying a well system of dewatering mines, underground manpower will be minimized and the necessity of ventilating liquidated mines will be eliminated.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Target dewatering model of the Coal Mine KWK Sosnowiec and neighbouring mines under conditions of liquidation}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/132779/PDF/9_GSM_16_2_2000_Adamczyk_Docelowy.pdf}, keywords={Hydrogcology, mines dewatering}, }