@ARTICLE{Zegzuła-Nowak_Joanna_Mieczysław_2023, author={Zegzuła-Nowak, Joanna}, number={No 1}, pages={191-210}, journal={Przegląd Filozoficzny. Nowa Seria}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych PAN}, publisher={Wydział Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego}, abstract={The paper presents a scientific profile of Mieczysław Wallis in the perspective of the question of his intellectual status. The author looks for the answer within two areas that were the subject of Wallis’ interest: philosophy and history of art. She analyses the path of Wallis’ intellectual development and the formation of his creative interests: from his education (in Heidelberg and Warsaw) and inspirations, through his first intellectual concerns, to an analysis of his scientific output. In his youth, Wallis wrote about the desire to create a philosophical system. Did this aspiration determine his scientific work, and to what extent? Did it set the course of his intellectual path? Was Wallis’ profile dichotomous in nature? For, as a philosopher, Wallis asked himself a fundamental question about the phenomenon of human being and its relation to the world. As a historian of art, he sought the answer by analyzing the world of man’s creative activity, his aesthetic experiences and artistic creations. Thus, on the one hand, the author emphasizes the role of philosophy in the development of Wallis’ intellectual views; on the other hand, she points to the philosophical depth of his achievements in the field of art theory.}, title={Mieczysław Wallis – a Historian of Art or a Philosopher?}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/132793/12_2023-01-PFIL-PDF.pdf}, doi={10.24425/pfns.2023.146789}, keywords={creative biography, history of art, intellectual profile, Lvov‑Warsaw School, philosophy, M. Wallis}, }