@ARTICLE{Hutny_Marian_Anmerkungen_2002, author={Hutny, Marian}, volume={vol. 23}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={113-123}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={The tendency to use nouns - not exactly a new feature in the structure of the German language - is part of a linguistic development that precipitates the fury of the language purist. The language used in the controlled and administered world of today nevertheless depends on providing names that are as rational as possible for a wide scope of states and stages in everyday communication. The linguist has long been familiar with the use of nouns and the resulting syntactic flexibility or simplification in concert with laws of linguistic economy: this is seen as a developmental process. Yet to those who are concerned for the purity of language such developments arouse suspicion as do all moves towards linguistic economy. The aim of this investigation is to examine the condemnation of norninalization on the part these purists. as compared to the stand taken by linguists. who rightly point out that any classification into criteria of "right" and "not right" is unjustified. it is the service actually rendered by these linguistic forms that deserves evaluation in terms of performance.}, type={Article}, title={Anmerkungen zur Syntax bei den Substantivierungstendenzen in der Funktionssprache im Urteil der Sprachpfleger und der Sprachwissenschaftler}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/132943/PDF/13_SILESIANA_23_Hutny_ANMERKUNGEN.pdf}, }