@ARTICLE{Kekatierynczuk-Rudczyk_Elżbieta_Ecohydrological_2024, author={Kekatierynczuk-Rudczyk, Elżbieta and Puczko, Katarzyna}, number={No 62}, pages={185-192}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The research determined the influence of natural groundwater outflows from the spring peat bog on the water supply and its quality in Lake Jaczno. Lake Jaczno is located in the Suwalski Landscape Park (SLP) in the Podlaskie Voivodeship, north-east Poland. The research was conducted from April 2009 to October 2010 and from September 2022 to September 2023. Water samples were collected from spring areas, shallow groundwater, and from Lake Jaczno. Fieldwork involved measuring flow, temperature, water electrolytic conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, water oxygen saturation (WS), and water reaction (pH). Chemical analyses of water samples were carried out in the laboratory. Findings indicate that groundwater, spring water, and lake water in the SLP maintain high quality, with no significant changes in chemical composition over the past decades. Additionally, the physical water parameters display low temporal variability. The EC in the tested waters oscillates around 500 μS∙cm–1. Both spring and lake waters are well oxygenated (97–100%). Biogenic element concentrations exhibit higher variability, influenced by flora development in areas with natural groundwater outflows. High oxygenation of water contributes to increased concentrations of nitrates. The analysed waters exhibited similarity in the concentration and structure of phosphorus forms. Additionally, sediment chemical parameters at Lake Jaczno suggests a buffering capacity in the transitional zones between water and land. Despite similarities in chemical composition, sediment granulometry suggests low permeability, potentially restricting exchange between groundwater and surface waters. Monitoring springs in these environments is important due to their impact on quantity and quality of water in the analysed areas.}, type={Article}, title={Ecohydrological role of groundwater outflows in the functioning of the ecotone zone in Lake Jaczno, Poland}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/132982/2024-03-JWLD-21.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2024.151566}, keywords={groundwater, headwater peatland, hydrogeology dynamics, lake-land ecotone, springs, water quality}, }