@ARTICLE{Tobiasz_Lesław_Zweitspracherwerbstheorien_2002, author={Tobiasz, Lesław}, volume={vol. 23}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={155-166}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={In this article various theories of the second language acquisition arc discussed. As a related topic, the author focuses primarily on the acquisition of semantic items. He argues that the second language isn't acquired identically as the mother tongue which was the major claim made by the identity hypothesis. The positive and negative transfer from the mother tongue (contrast hypothesis) along with the intuitive mechanisms of the second language acquisition (theory of Felix and monitor theory of Krashcn) are also regarded as simplifications overlooking the complexity of the process in question. Furthermore, the article pursues the question of the incoherence of Lcnnebers critical period hypothesis. The autor secs in the aquisiton of the second language a complex and long-lasting process whose visible and researchable realization is the so called learner language developing in particular stages. The first stages show a great dependence of the learner language on the structures of the mother tongue (combined bilingualisms). In the stage of the coordinate bilingualisms the mental representation of the second language is activated without or with slight simultancus activation of the mental structures of the mother tongue. The complexity of the acquisition of the second language results from diversity of conditions influencing the developing processes of the learner language such as input, personal features, affective and social factors, age and latcralisation processes, various mental processes based on personal experiences and many others. The interaction of these factors which differ from learner to learner results in very peculiar characteristics of the second language acquisition. As a result of the hctcrogcnity of individual acquisition processes nowadays only a fraction of their principles can be accounted for. The creation of a rational theory describing the whole complexity of the second language acquisition remains the task for future linguistic research.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Zweitspracherwerbstheorien mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der semantischen Erwerbsprozesse und ihrer Bedeutung fur den DaF- Unterricht}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/132989/PDF-MASTER/17_SILESIANA_23_Tobiasz_ZWEITSPRACHERWERBSTHEORJEN.pdf}, }