@ARTICLE{Martynova_Hanna_Dialect_2024, author={Martynova, Hanna and Shcherbyna, Tetiana}, volume={vol. LXXIII}, number={No 2}, pages={67-81}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The article focuses on the new methodology grounds of early 21th century Slavic dialect lexicography that allows for the employment of illustrating texts to clarify each registered unit in the cultural context and to represent the ultimate linguistic picture of the dialect speakers’ world. The entries of the modern Dictionary of Upper‑mid Dnieper patois are viewed, their register being arranged by the authors of the paper in connection with complete dialect texts. A fragment from this lexicography work is presented, to accumulate ethnic cultural information concerning the authors of the texts who are regarded as a linguistic cultural community dynamically fixed in the 20th century patois. A group of lexical units connected with the pre‑marriage cycle, derived from the early Slavic roots of svo‑, sve‑, as well as short illustrating texts to accompany them, represent an ultimate semiotic system combining mutually related non‑verbal and verbal constituencies, actualizing some retained archaic rituals and their variations in the patois, mythology of the dialect speakers and traditional symbols of the nation. The text‑focused approach to creating a dialect dictionary led to a complete explication of ritual lexical units, their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, in which each registered unit comprises an integrate topical and structural component accompanied by a certain parable, the dictionary proper appearing to be the ultimate cultural text.}, title={Dialect Dictionary as a Cultural Text}, type={Article}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/133819/2024-02-SOR-PDF-4.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2024.151723}, keywords={оld (traditional) dialect dictionary, modern (new) dialect dictionary, text‑focused approach, ritual text, cultural text}, }