 author={Domańska, Ewa and Janowski, Maciej and Klich‑Kluczewska, Barbara and Konieczka‑Śliwińska, Danuta and Kowalewski Jahromi, Piotr and Kuligowska, Aleksandra and Łaszkiewicz, Hubert and Pomorski, Jan},
 number={tom 54},
 journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne},
 publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie},
 publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego},
 abstract={The article contains viewpoints presented during a panel discussion promoting the academic textbook Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii [Introduction to the Methodology of History] (eds. Ewa Domańska and Jan Pomorski, PWN 2022), which took place on December 8, 2022, in Poznań during the national conference “Methodology of History: Current Opportunities and Challenges.” The panel featured the book's editors, invited textbook authors, and experts covering topics such as various understandings of the empirical methodology of history, the pluralism of historical knowledge, and the methodology of history as a separate discipline and its role in academic teaching within historical studies. The discussion also addressed the challenges of creating a modern academic textbook reflecting new approaches and fields within the discipline of history while meeting the demands of both students and the Polish Qualifications Framework.},
 title={Discussion on Introduction to the methodology of history},
 type={Dyskuje, polemiki / Discussion},
 keywords={academic textbook, history didactics, empiricism, methodology of history, empirical methodology of history, pluralism},