 author={Wiśniewski, Tomasz},
 number={tom 54},
 journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne},
 publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie},
 publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego},
 abstract={The paper is a contribution to the discussion on the role of the methodology of history in the teaching and research of young scholars. I reflect on the misunderstanding of the methodology of history by historians and scholars from other disciplines and/or fields within the humanities and social sciences. Exploring ways to enhance the current state of affairs, I argue for a redefinition of this area of study as the “theory of history.” I show various ways in which this “theory” is connected to other disciplines and/or fields within the humanities and social sciences. I list readings that I believe should be included in the curriculum of young scholars. I highlight hitherto overlooked intellectual territories, in particular the study of Russian thought, especially the philosophy of history. In addition, I propose the establishment of support networks to foster a more collaborative and inclusive academic environment, aimed at increasing the visibility of our field within the humanities and social sciences. This approach seeks to broaden the disciplinary scope and facilitate a more nuanced understanding of history’s methodological (theoretical) engagements.},
 title={Methodology and theory of history and their visibility in Poland},
 keywords={methodology of history, theory of history, Russian thought, support networks},