@ARTICLE{Krasińska_Izabela_Radio_2024, author={Krasińska, Izabela}, volume={t. 27}, number={No 4}, pages={43-64}, journal={Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Prasoznawcza}, publisher={Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie}, abstract={Next to the press, radio was the most popular mass medium in Poland in the interwar period. While in the middle of 1937 of the c. 24 million people living in rural Poland, 250,000 owned a radio, by the end of 1938 the number of radio owners in rural areas went up to c. 320,000. The rise of the number of radio sets in rural households was no doubt accelerated by the introduction of a concessionary radio licence for small farmers in 1934. Moreover, an increasing number of people started buying radios 'on instalment'. In rural homes, the radio would usually be given a carefully chosen place in the family room. Its positioning — be it at a private home, in a village hall or school — always accentuated its function of a gathering spot. From its early days, the national broadcaster Polskie Radio produced programmes for farmers and about agriculture. People could find information about them, along with other items on the schedule, in a multiplying range of radio magazines and supplements (an estimated fifty of them were launched between 1923 and 1939). In 1935 their ranks were joined by Radio na Wsi [Radio in the Country], an illustrated modern farmer's almanac. This article, based on an examination of eighteen archived issues of the magazine, presents its beginnings and purpose, its authors, its formal characteristics and thematic scope, and proceeds with a comprehensive analysis of its content. In conclusion, this study shows that the editors succeeded in producing a type of magazine they had in mind at its start. Radio na Wsi reached out both to farmers with an interest in the radio and farmers whose interest in it needed to be wakened.}, title={Radio na Wsi (1935–1938), Janusz Delinikajtis’ illustrated agro-farming magazine}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/134289/2024-04-RHPP-03.pdf}, keywords={Polish press in the 20th century, Polish Radio, radio in the 1930s, farming and radio magazines}, }