 author={Cabaj, Jarosław},
 volume={t. 27},
 number={No 4},
 journal={Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej},
 publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Prasoznawcza},
 publisher={Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie},
 abstract={This article takes into focus the creation of institutional framework for the promotion of physical education in the RC Diocese of Siedlce in the 1930s. The project was to be implemented through Catholic Action youth groups, i.e. the Catholic Association of Young Men and the Catholic Association of Young Women, and their forerunner The Union of Associations of Polish Youth. The analysis of the goals and progress in implementing the PE plans is based on articles in the local Catholic press, the weekly Głos Podlaski [The Voice of Podlasie] and Podlaski Miesięcznik Katolicki [The Podlasie Catholic Monthly]. It covers the period of nearly five years, beginning in 1934, when the opening of talks on cooperation between the re‑founded Catholic Action and the Polish Army's National Office of Physical Education and Military Training was first reported in the diocesan press. As soon as the agreement was signed, courses for enthusiasts of various sports were staged all over the country, followed by campaigns promoting sport and physical activity, and, more specifically, the creation of grassroots PE groups. It seems that young men and women from the small towns and villages of the Siedlce Diocese heeded the call of the Catholic Action and joined all kinds of initiatives, from health‑enhancing PE activities to the ‘Nation in Arms’ military training.},
 title={The press of the Diocese of Siedlce about physical education in the Catholic Action youth groups in 1934–1939},
 keywords={Poland's Catholic local press in the 1930s, Roman Catholic Diocese of Siedlce, Catholic Actionyouth groups, physical education and sport, military training, The Nation in Arms},