@ARTICLE{Majernik_J._Temperature_2025, author={Majernik, J. and Podaril, M. and Majernikova, M. and Sramhause, K.}, volume={Accepted articles}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2025}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The high pressure die casting technology is characterized by high efficiency, which is given by pressing the liquid metal into the die cavity and the subsequent solidification of the cast in a short period of time. The short casting cycle duration and the rapid temperature conditions alternation at the interface cast – die cavity, as well as in the die volume itself, cause cyclic thermal stress of the die material. The submitted article investigates the influence of gating system volume on the temperature conditions change in the high pressure die casting mold volume. Five gating system variants with different runners volume for specific type of low-weight silumin based cast were used to assess the temperature changes in the high pressure die casting mold volume. The temperature was monitored in two selected places of the gating system, with a distribution of 1mm, 2mm, 5mm, 10mm and 20mm in the direction from the working die cavity face to the volume of the fixed and movable part of the die. As a comparison parameter, the melt temperature in the runner center above the measured point and the melt temperature close to the die face were monitored. Monitoring of the temperature change was performed using the Magmasoft simulation program. It has been proven that the gating system volume affects the thermal stress of the die, the temperature drop in the die volume and the casting cycle duration. In conclussions, proposals for measures to reduce the high thermal stress of the die resulting from the gating system volume and design are presented. These proposals will subsequently be verified in the following research activities and compared with the resulting casts quality.}, title={Temperature Conditions Change in the High Pressure Die Casting mold Volume Depending on the Gating System Volume}, type={Article}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/134375/AFE%201_2025_07.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2025.153774}, keywords={Product development, Application of information technology to the foundry industry, Thermal stress, Mould material, tempering}, }