 author={Merder, T. and Pieprzyca, J. and Strózik, L. and Andrukowicz, A. and Czapka, Z. and Saternus, M. and Merder, J.},
 volume={Accepted articles},
 journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering},
 publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences},
 abstract={The article presents model test results on the flow of liquid steel through a CSC (Continuous Steel Casting) tundish equipped with various TI (Turbulence Inhibitors) designs. The tests were carried out using a physical water model of the CSC device made in accordance with the principles of similarity on a linear scale of 1:2.5 in relation to the industrial device. The tests were conducted in two stages: qualitative - visualization and quantitative - determination of RTD (Residence Time Distribution) curves. A tracer in form of an aqueous solution of KMnO4 was used for visualization, while an aqueous solution of NaCl was used to determine RTD curves. The aim of the tests was to determine the effect of the geometry of four types of turbulence inhibitors (TI) on the formation of the mechanism of model liquid flow in the working space of the water model of the tundish and to interpret the results from the point of view of obtaining specific casting parameters under industrial conditions. The following casting parameters were assumed: risk of dead zones, conditions conducive to the formation of the required primary structure of billets identical in all outlets, the ability to micro-refine and homogenize steel in chemical terms.},
 title={The Effect of Turbulence Inhibitor Design on the Movement of Liquid Steel in a Tundish - Modelling Studies},
 keywords={Steel, Tundish, Water models, Physical modelling},