@ARTICLE{Zaręba_Szymon_Polish_2013, author={Zaręba, Szymon}, number={No XXXIII}, journal={Polish Yearbook of International Law}, pages={363-369}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, publisher={Institute of Law Studies PAS}, publisher={Committee on Legal Sciences PAS}, title={Polish Practice in International Law: China and Hong Kong: the one Country, two systems principle and its practical implications for Polish Civil Courts Comment on the decision of the Polish Supreme Court of 11 October 2013, ref. no. i CSK 451/12 in the case brought by G.T.M. with the participation of V.M.}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/95702/PDF/14%20Polish%20practice%20Zar%C4%99ba.pdf}, }