@ARTICLE{Białecka_Barbara_Removal_2017, author={Białecka, Barbara and Thomas, Maciej and Zdebik, Dariusz}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The possibility of removing organic compounds from wastewater originating from the photochemical production of printed circuit boards by use of waste acidification and disposal of precipitated photopolymer in the first stage and the UV-Fenton method in a second stage has been presented. To optimize the process of advanced oxidation, the RSM (Response Surface Methodology) for three independent factors was applied, i.e. pH, the concentration of Fe(II) and H2O2 concentration. The use of optimized values of individual parameters in the process of wastewater treatment caused a decrease in the concentration of the organic compounds denoted as COD by approx. 87% in the first stage and approx. 98% after application of both processes. Precipitation and the decomposition of organic compounds was associated with a decrease of wastewater COD to below 100 mg O2/L whereas the initial value was 5550 mg O2/L. Decomposition of organic compounds and verification of the developed model of photopolymers removal was also carried out with use of alternative H2O2 sources i.e. CaO2, MgO2, and Na2CO3·1,5H2O2.}, title={Removal of organic compounds from wastewater originating from the production of printed circuit boards by UV-Fenton method}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/102542/PDF/aep-2017-0044.pdf}, doi={10.1515/aep-2017-0044}, keywords={advanced oxidation process, response surface methodology, printed circuits board, wastewater, UV-Fenton}, }