@ARTICLE{Szymik_Ks._Jerzy_Theology_2017, author={Szymik, Ks. Jerzy}, number={Tom 12}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, pages={35-47}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={The question about theology is, indeed, the question about the cognitive role of faith, a mutual relationship between faith and mind, as well as cultural, social and existential consequences of accepting or eliminating faith in the cognitive (scientific) process. While developing in the space of thought, theology seeks rational arguments speaking in favour of God’s answers to existential questions. In his publications and teachings J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI gives much attention to these issues, as they are particularly topical and important for the contemporary civilisation. He teaches that faith releases the mind (makes it independent, non-ideologized), opens it to the truth, the learning of which constitutes the key objective of all scientific research. Recogni-tion of the priority of gifts, God’s grace, who makes Himself known through his Word and actions is an important pre-requisite for theological cognition. Ultimately, it has a christological sense: Son knows His Father and wants to reveal the Mystery of God. As scientia fidei, theology has got potential to give relational and holistic character to cognitive actions, thus made them acquire sense transcending their temporary use-fulness. Theology, faithful to the Church, contributes to the development of the world and men in the deepest meaning of the word – it leads to salvation, finding fulfilment in God Himself.}, title={Theology according to J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Understanding, Nature, Sense}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/103821/PDF/SNT02Szymik.pdf}, doi={10.24425/119338}, keywords={theology, Christology, cognition, truth, faith, mind, Church, university, science}, }