@ARTICLE{Topa-Bryniarska_Dominika_Entre_2016, author={Topa-Bryniarska, Dominika}, volume={vol. 37}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={211-223}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={This paper examines the discursive construction of persuasiveness in media language. Analysing the corpus consisting of forty reviews of the French comedy “Intouchables” (2011), different invariant characteristics of the genre ‘fi lm review’ are established in the light of two discursive strategies of persuasion based on metonymy and the rhetorical argument from community and authority. As the mentioned strategies assume that the discourse is to infl uence the addressees’ will, decisions and emotions, they refl ect some of the persuasive techniques used in advertising discourse, especially with regard to indirect means of interpretation, suggestion and evaluation. Therefore, different methods for (re)construction of the reality presented in the analysed texts stem from shared values and emotions becoming starting points for the deliberative dimension of the fi lm review. Since our perception of the world is relative, the deployed strategies aim at eliminating the information verifi cation process. Thus, they shape the interpretation of the message towards a set of parameters governing its attractiveness in order to meet the contemporary addresses’ needs.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Entre la perception et l’opinion: le cas des stratégies discursives de persuasion dans la critique de cinéma}, title={Between perception and opinion: the case of the discursive of persuasion in a film review}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/108325/PDF/Ling.%20Siles.%20vol%2037%2011-D.Topa-Bryniarska.pdf}, }