@ARTICLE{Kwiatkowski_Stefan_Stowarzyszeniowy_2014, author={Kwiatkowski, Stefan}, volume={vol. XXVII/2}, journal={Studia Maritima}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee of Historical Subjects, University of Szczecin}, abstract={The historian in the contemporary Poland has to fulfil not only the tasks on his workplace, commonly at a state university or in a research institute but he has also commitments which result from the traditional ethos of a man of science. In the public sphere he has to deal with historical politics created by the state and the political forces immediately, which cannot actually be influenced by the scientific circles in a relevant way. The political forces await from the historian the disclosure of such a “truth” which would interpret the existing reality as the possible space for creation of that what ought to be. The associational scientific movement as a traditionally autonomous body concerned with population of knowledge has in this situation the chance and the not utterly fulfilled task of defending of the historical truth, conditioned and determined with the contemporary theory of knowledge.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Stowarzyszeniowy ruch naukowy wobec społecznego funkcjonowania historii}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/108568/PDF-MASTER/01_kwiatkowski.s.pdf}, keywords={historical science, objectivity of knowledge, the social role of a historian, historical policy}, }