@ARTICLE{Gorgoń_Justyna_Revitalization_2016, author={Gorgoń, Justyna}, volume={vol. 47}, journal={Studia Regionalia}, pages={87–94}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning and European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Polish Section}, abstract={Functional urban areas (FUA) have became an important component of polycentric settlement structure of all European countries. FUAs have been defined as labour market basins, composed on large city and its surrounding areas (commuting zones). The very spatial and economic concept formed the foundation of old industrial regions. Old industrialized regions with all the spatial challenges and economic problems could be also perceived as a specific type of functional urban area. In Poland, National Spatial Development Concept 2030 (NSDC 2030 2013) describes restructuring and revitalization of degraded areas and cities in terms of spatial policy measures addressed to the supporting of cohesion in problematic areas. That is why integrated revitalization programs of functional urban areas may become key instrument of regional spatial policy and urban strategies. In response to the problems of degraded land and related land-use conflicts, it can significantly help in establishing valuable solutions, as well as ensuring connections between environmental, social and economic needs in the development of functional urban areas.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Revitalization processes of old industrialized region in the context of functional urban areas}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/109753/PDF-MASTER/studreg-47-06.pdf}, keywords={Functional Urban Areas, revitalization, land-use conflicts}, }