@ARTICLE{Ginter_Michał_The_2019, author={Ginter, Michał and Skompski, Stanisław}, volume={vol. 69}, number={No 4}, journal={Acta Geologica Polonica}, pages={571-582}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Geologicznych PAN}, publisher={Wydział Geologii UW}, abstract={A sample of late Viséan limestone from the Włodawa IG-4 borehole, east of Lublin, Poland, yielded a piece of a tooth and a few hundred well-preserved scales comparable to those of “Ctenacanthus” costellatus Traquair, 1884 from Glencartholm, Scotland, UK. Most of the scales are typical compound body scales of the ctenacanthid type. Their crowns are composed of several separate odontodes whose distal ends are turned backwards and bases are characterised by concave undersides. In the material, there are also sparse scales with similar crowns but with flat or convex bulbous bases, as well as ornamented plates and single, star-like denticles, probably from the head region. The taxonomic status of “Ctenacanthus” costellatus was analysed and a new generic name for that species, viz. Glencartius gen. nov., is proposed.}, type={Article}, title={The squamation of “Ctenacanthus” costellatus (Chondrichthyes: Ctenacanthiformes) from the Carboniferous of Lublin area, south-eastern Poland}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/110342/PDF/5_Ginter%20and%20Skompski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/agp.2019.126440}, keywords={Ctenacanthiformes, Sharks, Dermal skeleton, Viséan, Lublin Coal Basin}, }