@ARTICLE{Kociubiński_Jakub_European_2017, author={Kociubiński, Jakub}, number={No XXXVII}, journal={Polish Yearbook of International Law}, pages={163-183}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Institute of Law Studies PAS}, publisher={Committee on Legal Sciences PAS}, abstract={Wasteful spending of public funds, leading to the creation of “ghost airports”, is often described as a regulatory failure and a major deficiency in European State aid control. It is pointed out that decisions to build or upgrade an airport are often ill-conceived, poorly implemented, and without economic justification. This raises the question whether European law, namely its State aid control system, contains inherent flaws or whether the European Commission’s decision-making process can be improved by increasing reliance on objective economic reasoning under the existing legal framework. This article provides an analysis of the decision-making problems leading to failed aid efforts; of the role of the economic approach in State aids; and of the standard of economic assessment required in State aid cases. The article concludes with de lege ferenda postulates.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={European “Ghost Airports”: EU Law Failure or Policy Failure? The Need for economic Analysis in State Aid Law}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/110380/PDF/07_Kociub.pdf}, keywords={air transport, airports, economic analysis, EU law, investment aid, state aid}, }