@ARTICLE{Kovalenko_Pyotr_Evaluation_2019, author={Kovalenko, Pyotr and Rokochinskiy, Anatoliy and Jeznach, Jerzy and Koptyuk, Roman and Volk, Pavlo and Prykhodko, Nataliіa and Tykhenko, Ruslan}, number={No 41}, pages={77-82}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The analysis of the current state of weather and climatic conditions and evaluation of their predicted changes for im-mediate and distant prospect in the drained areas of Ukrainian Polissia region was carried out in the article. The main trendsin changes of meteorological characteristics and their possible effect on the conditions of functioning water management and ameliorative objects and complexes as well as on the natural and ameliorative state of drained areas were identified. The research uses a method of predictive-simulation modelling with used predictive assessment models of normalized dis-tribution of the basic meteorological characteristics in the long-term and one-year vegetation context. According to the re-sults of the research it was established that, for today a high variability in meteorological characteristics can lead to the sig-nificant deterioration of operation conditions of water management and ameliorative objects and units, as well as natural and ameliorative conditions of drained lands in Polissia region as a whole. Core measures regarding the adaptive potential enhancement and development in the region under the conditions of climate change were examined.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Evaluation of climate change in Ukrainian part of Polissia region and ways of adaptation to it}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/112866/PDF/Kovalenko%20et%20al%20443.pdf}, keywords={climate change, evaluation, Polissia region, ways of adaptation}, }