@ARTICLE{Burda_Izabela_M._Re-shaping_2018, author={Burda, Izabela M.}, volume={tom 188 Mieszkać w porcie}, journal={Studia KPZK}, pages={283-302}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The article discusses the problem with modifications of plans of water areas and the forms of their borders which have been inscribed into the history of all city structures related to water. It can be observed that the modifications made in recent decades very often concern the transformations of former industrial sites. Many such structural changes are taking place within signifi cant areas which have fragmented central parts of cities and created voids in the urban fabric. They are being applied to many former shipyards and ports. Research shows that the formation of new connections between land and water in these transformation processes is essential. More frequently, those conversions that are currently being realized change the constructions of wharves and lead to the development of plans drawing new borders between land and water. In these cases water is introduced into land areas and new land surfaces are being created over existing bodies of water. These operations can be considered extremely valuable in achieving the intended eff ects of transformations of post-industrial areas. They are perceived as an excellent possibility to strengthen the relationship between the city structure and water. At the same time they create an opportunity to achieve a high quality of architectural and landscape solutions and the quality of spaces in both social and economic terms.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Re-shaping Land and Water Connections as Elements of Post-Industrial Sites Transformations}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113221/PDF-MASTER/19%20Burda.pdf}, keywords={Land and water connections, post-industrial sites transformations}, }