@ARTICLE{Izydor_Marek_Shaping_2019, author={Izydor, Marek}, number={No 276}, journal={Biuletyn KPZK}, pages={56-70}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={PAN, Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={This paper deals with the issue of shaping the public spaces in the small coastal cities. This process is influenced by radical changes in the economy of these towns: from maritime-oriented towards the tourist-oriented. In result there is a growing interest in developing new and renewing (revitalizing) historic spaces, as cities adapt to these new functions. This process takes different forms, according to the urban composition of the particular city. On the example of the Pomeranian region in Poland three groups of these cities were defined on the basis of the type of their urban composition. The more in-depth analysis of the selected cities allowed also drawing some final conclusions regarding the consequences of this process for the future of these cities and – in more general view – to the marine economy.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Shaping Public Space of Small Coastal Cities}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/115842/PDF/7%20-%20Izydor.pdf}, keywords={Coastal cities, public spaces, Pomeranian region, spatial planning}, }