@ARTICLE{Śmiałkowska_Bożena_Classification_2013, author={Śmiałkowska, Bożena and Gibert, Marcin}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Theoretical and Applied Informatics}, pages={239-250}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, publisher={Committee of Informatics of Polish Academy of Science}, publisher={Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of Polish Academy of Science}, abstract={In this article attention is paid to improving the quality of text document classification. The common techniques of analysis of text documents used in classification are shown and the weakness of these methods are stressed. Discussed here is the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods, which is increasing the quality of classification. In the proposed approach the expanded terms, obtained by using information patterns are used in the Latent Semantic Analysis. Finally empirical research is presented and based upon the quality measures of the text document classification, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is proved.}, type={Article}, title={Classification of text documents by using expanded terms in Latent Semantic Analysis}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/116282/PDF/Smialkowska_Gilbert_Classification_of_Text_Documents.pdf}, keywords={text classification, information extraction, Latent Semantic Analysis, information retrieval, text representation}, }