@ARTICLE{Tagar_Ahmed_The_2015, author={Tagar, Ahmed and Adamowski, Jan}, number={No 27}, pages={51-60}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={Arid areas are particularly susceptible to soil erosion due to long dry periods and sudden heavy downpours. This study investigates the aggregate size distribution and aggregate stability of twelve tilled fallow areas of Hyderabad district, Sindh, Pakistan. This study determined aggregate size distribution by dry sieving to evaluate the seedbed condition and aggregate stability using wet sieving to assess the susceptibility of tilled fallow areas to soil erosion. The aggregate size distribution of the soils of the selected areas was highly variable. Gulistan-e-Sarmast had the largest number of clods (51.0%) followed by Kohsar (49.0%), Latifabad # 10 (41.10%) and Daman-e-Kohsar (39.0%). Fazal Sun City, the left side of the Indus River, the Village Nooral Detha and the left side of the Abdullah Sports city had a greater number of large (>8.0 mm) and small aggregates (<0.5 mm). The optimum aggregate size distribution was found in the left side of the channel, which had the largest number of aggregates (50.50%) in the 0.5–8.0 mm sieve size range. Maximum aggregate stability (AS) was found in Gulistan-e-Sarmast (46%), Kohsar (42%) and Latifabad # 10 (34%), while all other soils had minimum aggregate stability (<14%). The minimum aggregate stabilities demonstrate that the tilled fallow areas of Hyderabad district are highly susceptible to erosion. Therefore, the present study suggests investigating potential ways to enhance the aggregate stabilities of soils.}, type={Article}, title={The stability of soil aggregates in tilled fallow areas in Hyderabad district, Pakistan}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/116662/PDF/The%20stability%20of%20soil%20aggregates%20in%20tilled%20fallow%20areas%20in%20Hyderabad%20district,%20Pakistan.pdf}, keywords={aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability, seedbed condition and soil erosion, tilled fallow areas}, }