@ARTICLE{Ślusarczyk_Magdalena_Norwegian_2016, author={Ślusarczyk, Magdalena and Pustułka, Paula}, volume={Vol. 5}, number={No 1}, journal={Central and Eastern European Migration Review}, pages={49-69}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW}, abstract={The issue of the educational system remains one of the crucial areas for the discussions pertaining to migrants’ integration and contemporary multicultural societies. Ever since the inception of compulsory schooling, children and youth have partaken in largely state-governed socialisation in schools, which provide not only knowledge and qualifications, but are also responsible for transferring the culture and values of a given society. Under this premise, the schooling system largely determines opportunities available to migrant children. This paper seeks to address the questions about the pathways to youth Polish migrant integration, belonging and achievement (or a lack thereof) visible in the context of the Norwegian school system. The paper draws on 30 interviews conducted in 2014 with Polish parents raising children abroad, and concentrates on the features of Norwegian school as seen through the eyes of Polish parents. Our findings show that the educational contexts of both sending and receiving socie-ties are of paramount importance for the understanding of family and parenting practices related to children’s schooling. In addition, we showcase the significance of Norwegian schools for children’s integration, illuminate the tensions in parental narratives and put the debates in the context of a more detailed analysis of the relations between school and home environments of migrant children. The paper relies on parental narratives in an attempt to trace and reflect the broader meanings of children’s education among Poles living abroad.}, type={Article}, title={Norwegian Schooling in the Eyes of Polish Parents: From Contestations to Embracing the System}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/117565/PDF-MASTER/CEEMR_Vol_5_No_1_Slusarczyk_Pustulka_Norwegian_Schooling_in_the_Eyes_of_Polish_Parents.pdf}, keywords={migrant children, migrant students, school system, Polish families in Norway}, }