@ARTICLE{Heszen_Agnieszka_Harlots,, author={Heszen, Agnieszka}, volume={Vol. 75 (2020)}, journal={Meander}, pages={37-46}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Polish Studies, UW.}, abstract={The article analyses some troparia of Cassia, a nun and poetess living in the ninth century in Constantinople. Her hymns, sung during the early mornin and evening church services, provide examples of saints – anchorites, ascetics and converted harlots. The examples, described in a poetic way, show the way to sanctity by conversion, repentance, and piety, at times bordering on madness. Remarkably, Cassia dedicated a number of her songs to women, underlining their role in human salvation.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Harlots, Madmen and Saints. Examples in Cassia’s troparia}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/118121/PDF/2020-01-MNDR-03-Heszen.pdf}, doi={10.24425/meander.2020.135122}, }