@ARTICLE{Tokarski_Antoni_K._Fractured_2007, author={Tokarski, Antoni K. and Świerczewska, Anna and Zuchiewicz, Witold}, volume={Vol. 24}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={47-52}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of fractured clasts hosted within Miocene and Pleistocene paraconglomerates that are exposed close to a map-scale overthrust. Both these paraconglomerates bear numerous fractured clasts (22-50%). The architecture of fractures (joints and minor faults) is well-organized and independent of both clast orientation and the degree of clast roundness. The fractures were formed in situ, most probably due to neotectonic activity of the map-scale overthrust. The number of fractured clasts is positively correlated with the clast size, and negatively correlated with the grain-size of clasts of detrital rocks. The number of fractured clasts increases in clasts of detrital rocks, compared to those of quartzites and magmatic rocks.}, type={Article}, title={Fractured clasts in neotectonic reconstructions: an example from the Nowy Sącz basin, western outer Carpathians, Poland}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/119366/PDF-MASTER/str_47_52.pdf}, keywords={fractured clasts, neotectonics, Outer Carpathians, Poland}, }