@ARTICLE{Salwa_Piotr_Zagraniczne_2021, author={Salwa, Piotr}, number={No 3}, journal={Nauka}, pages={135-145}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Biuro Upowszechniania i Promocji Nauki PAN}, abstract={The article is intended to be an appendix to an earlier discussion on the activities of the foreign scientific centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences (“Nauka” 4/2020 and 2/2021). It presents another case study, namely the centre situated in Rome – one of the eldest Polish centres abroad – its historical background and heritage as well as its recent activities. It points out also some actual present problems and challenges in order to stimulate a broader debate on how the PAS foreign centres could be better used to promote and disseminate the achievements of Polish researchers.}, type={Polemika/Polemic}, title={Zagraniczne stacje naukowe PAN. Stacja w Rzymie – z doświadczeń dyrektora}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120368/N%23321-10-Salwa.pdf}, doi={10.24425/nauka.2021.137634}, keywords={Polish Academy of Sciences, foreign scientific centre, promotion of science, international scientific cooperation, science diplomacy}, }