@ARTICLE{Koziński_Mirosław_H._The_2002, author={Koziński, Mirosław H.}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={115-137}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={This essay presents the legal concept of a "second register" in the Polish Republic, called the Register of International Shipping. The author analyses the phenomenon of "second registers" as forms of supporting national fleets and draws attention to the fact that this is a reaction of traditional maritime states to the development of open registers in flag-of-convenience states. The author attempts to classify various maritime registers in shipping practice. He places particular emphasis on the register policy of the EU. This is an expression of support for their own fleets by member states. The author refers to international principles relating to the registration of ships contained in the 1986 UNCTAD Convention relating to conditions of registering vessels. In detail the essay discusses Polish regulations concerning the affiliation of ship and register, contained in the new maritime Code of 18 September 2001. He sets out clearly the "openness" of the Polish shipping register and the potential ease with which a vessel may assume the Polish flag. Part of this study is made up of extracts from the author's own project for legislation concerning a Register of International Shipping. In the light of this project, a Polish "second register" would become a supplementary register of a special kind, closely linked with the basic, national shipping register. The basic purpose of the register would be to increase the international competitiveness of Polish ship-owners, by creating for them a range of tax advantages and other preferential treatment. The owners of vessels in the register of International Shipping would only pay tonnage tax on their use, and a range of Polish work regulations would not apply to the crews of those ships.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Legal Concept of a "Second Register" in the Polish Republic}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120673/PDF-MASTER/6_PM_XVII_Kozinski_Koncepcja.pdf}, }