@ARTICLE{Brodecki_Zdzisław_Freedom_2001, author={Brodecki, Zdzisław and Drobysz, Monika}, number={No XVI}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={13-28}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={Contemporary economic policy is a result of two opposed methods of influencing the market: the liberal and the protectionist. The philosophy of the open market was created with the participation of the judges of the European Court of Justice. The following are usually seen as belonging to the general principles of international economic law: the free will of the parties to an economic transaction; pacta sunt servanda; and arbitration in the case of international economic disputes. However, the general character of the principle of economic freedom is questioned by some authorities. The Codifying Commission of Maritime Law should consider the entirety oflegal problems connected with maritime shipyards, with sea transport, and port services. It should aim at developing a unified concept in the area of business activity and services, the freedom of labor and the freedom of services. The division of rules governing international sea transport (which are inevitably based on international models) and those governing coastal transport (in which economic freedom in the sense applicable in processes of European integration does not apply) is confused. Such a division has to be seen as a legacy of a by-gone era and as interference on the part of administrative law in legal relations connected with coastal transport. In Poland there is no up-to-date public service sector against which anti-monopoly regulations could not be enforced. In their place, subvention law regulations should be applied. Without distinguishing, for example, life-saving and chemical clean-up operations as public sector elements, it will be difficult to achieve expected economic goals.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Freedom in European Economic Integration Law: A Case Study of the Maritime Economy}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/120683/PDF-MASTER/2_PM_XVI_Brodecki_Drobysz_Wolnosc.pdf}, }