@ARTICLE{Лебедівна_Оксана_On_2021, author={Лебедівна, Оксана}, volume={vol. LXX}, number={No 3}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, pages={579-598}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The paper focuses on the peculiarities of interaction between the Kryvorivnya dialect (Kr) of Southwest Ukrainian, on the one hand, and Standard Ukrainian (SU), on the other. Such interaction is analysed through the language mentality of a native speaker in terms of Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue. The author explores different approaches toward deep‑rooted mechanisms of the encounter of a speaker’s I with both non‑standard (dialect) and standard varieties of Ukrainian. The analysis is based on the material of literary works written in Kr or SU by Paraska Plytka‑Horytsvit as well as six interviews with native speakers who live in that area. All speakers interviewed for this paper speak both Kr and SU, thus being able to switch codes in various environments. The author argues that native speakers’ basic perception unfolds primarily along the I‑Thou relation, if viewed from the perspective of Kr, while it unfolds along the I‑It relation if perceived from the point of view of SU. These two types of perception are likely to temporarily fluctuate from the I‑Thou to I‑It relation and vice versa, which can be explained by the complexity of any linguistic mentality and human nature, in general.}, title={On the Intersection of Thou and It: The Kryvorivnya Dialect and Standard Ukrainian}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121262/PDF-MASTER/2021-03-SOR-08-Lebediwna.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2021.138195}, keywords={Hutsul (Kryvorivnya) dialect, Standard Ukrainian, dialect native speaker, philosophy of dialogue, I‑Thou and I‑It relations, language mentality}, }