@ARTICLE{Boryś_Wiesław_Regional_2021, author={Boryś, Wiesław}, volume={No LXX}, journal={Rocznik Slawistyczny}, pages={197-201}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The publication contains reprints of articles written by Prof. Hanna Popowska-‑Taborska in 2010–2018. Part of the book presents the results of her research on the folk Kashubian lexis, its relation to the vocabulary of other Slavic languages, and new etymological contributions. An important part of the publication is a discussion of the formation of the contemporary Kashubian literary language, with a focus on a critical analysis of its lexis, including numerous neologisms, which was mainly carried out on the basis of a translation Adam Mickiewicz’s poem “Pan Tadeusz”. The analysis also presents the author’s observations about the morphological structure of these neologisms. Furthermore, the publication provides detailed information about the first extensive books on linguistics written in Kashubian, as well as the author's ideas about the future etymological dictionary of the Kashubian language. There are also reflections on the linguistic image of the world that can be observed both in folk Kashubian and the Kashubian literary language. The book is supplemented by a bibliography of the author's work on Kashubian.}, type={Recenzje / Book Reviews}, title={Regional Kashubian language – the dialectal lexis and the development of the literary language}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121649/PDF/2021-RSLW-14-Borys.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rslaw.2021.138350}, keywords={Kashubian folk language, Kashubian literary language, Kashubian lexis, etymology}, }