@ARTICLE{Толстая_Светлана_М._Очередные_2021, author={Толстая, Светлана М.}, volume={No LXX}, journal={Rocznik Slawistyczny}, pages={241-250}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The next three issues of the second volume “Plants” of the “Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols”, published in Lublin under the editorship of prof. E. Bartminsky, are devoted to the topics"Herbs","Fruit and coniferous trees",-"Deciduous trees". Like the previous issues, they are a valuable contribution to the study of Polish and Slavic folk culture, as well as to the development of such a complex discipline as ethnobotany. They also provide rich material for linguistic studies of Polish and Slavic phytonymy, since they contain a rich dialect corpus of plant names and related ethnographic and folklore contexts. But the important thing is that the Lublin dictionary gives researchers a new method of ethnolinguistic lexicography, which can be successfully applied to the study of other Slavic and non‑Slavic languages and cultural traditions.}, type={Recenzje / Book Reviews}, title={Очередные выпуски «Словаря народных стереотипов и символов»}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/121655/PDF/2021-RSLW-20-Tolstaja.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rslaw.2021.138356}, keywords={Polish folk culture, cultural stereotypes, ethnolinguistics, ethnobotany, semantics, lexicography, symbolism, herbs, trees}, }