@ARTICLE{Jonczy_Iwona_Polymorphic_2021, author={Jonczy, Iwona and Grzesik, Bartłomiej}, volume={vol. 37}, number={No 4}, journal={Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management}, pages={97-116}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Zrównoważonej Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi PAN}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={This paper presents results of mineralogical and chemical research connected with the polymorphic transformations of dicalcium silicates in aggregate based on open-hearth slag and also slags from the current production of EAF (electric arc furnaces), and LF (ladle furnaces). Particular attention was paid to the transformation of the polymorph β-Ca2[SiO4] into the variant γ-Ca2[SiO4], which is undesirable from the perspective of using steel slags in road construction. A full mineralogical characterization of the tested metallurgical slags enabled the verification of the effectiveness of detecting the decomposition of dicalcium silicate in observations in UV light in line with the PN-EN 1744- 1+A1:2013-05 standard. On the basis of the conducted research, it was found that in the aggregate based on open-hearth slags and in the EAF furnace slag, dicalcium silicates are mainly represented by the β-Ca2[SiO4] polymorph, accompanied by α’-Ca2[SiO4]. The slag from the LF furnace was characterized by a different composition, with a strong advantage (57%) of the α’-Ca2[SiO4] variety, with a 1% share of the β-Ca2[SiO4] and 15% of the γ-Ca2[SiO4]. It was found that the transformation of β-Ca2[SiO4] into γ-Ca2[SiO4] can take place only under certain conditions in the metallurgical process, but the process is not influenced by hyperergenic factors, as evidenced by the fact that after more than 100 years of storage of open-hearth slag, on the basis of which the aggregate was produced, it was primarily marked with all the variants of β-Ca2[SiO4], without the polymorph γ-Ca2[SiO4]. The comprehensive characterization of the slag phase composition requires use of an appropriately selected research methodology; this is of key importance prior to the secondary use of this material, especially in the presence of the γ-Ca2[SiO4] polymorph. It has been determined that the most accurate test results are obtained using the XRD technique. The method of determining the decomposition of dicalcium silicate according to the PN-EN 1744-1+A1:2013-05 standard proved to be unreliable. It seems that in the situation of using LF slag as an artificial aggregate, taking the test results according to the method described in the PN-EN 1744-1+A1:2013-05 standard as being decisive is very risky, especially on a large scale (e.g. in communication construction).}, type={Article}, title={Polymorphic transformations of dicalcium silicates in steel slags used in the production of road aggregates}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/122195/PDF/Jonczy-Grzesik.pdf}, doi={10.24425/gsm.2021.139745}, keywords={steel slag, dicalcium silicate, artificial aggregate}, }