@ARTICLE{Grabowski_Wojciech_Beyond_2021, author={Grabowski, Wojciech}, volume={vol. LXXIV}, number={No 2}, pages={82-97}, journal={Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={The Committee of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Publishing House ELIPSA}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to analyze the political trajectory of changes in Saudi Arabia during the reign of Prince Muhammad Ibn Salman and the effects it has on the traditional and conservative values of the Saudi kingdom. The point of reference for the prince’s reform policy is the Vision 2030 project of changes announced in 2016, which aims to maintain a balance between modernization, including economic reforms, privatization and cultural initiatives, on the one hand, and Islam and political authoritarianism on the other. The structure of my article is built around the hypothesis that assumes that the reformist policy of Muhammad Ibn Salman is aimed at improving the economic and social conditions of Saudi Arabia in order to obtain social legitimization and loyalty and in the long term to ensure regime survival and its stability. I have posed three research questions which are as follows: 1) Can traditionalism and modernization be combined? 2) What is the impact of the authoritarian regime on modernization policy? 3) How has the relationship between the political authority and the Wahhabi establishment changed?}, type={Article}, title={Beyond tradition and modernity: challenges of transformation in Saudi Arabia}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/122428/PDF-MASTER/ROrient%2074%20z.%202-21%206GRABOWSKI.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ro.2021.139547}, keywords={Saudi Arabia, Muhammad Ibn Salman, modernization, traditionalism, Vision 2030, Wahhabism}, }